Tuesday, July 3, 2007


OK, I've been working on this seriously for just under a week. More like five days. Time for a sitrep.

I think it's going well!

Breakfast lately has been a banana & bagel (usually no cream cheese). Lunch is a sandwich, something like a salad, maybe some pickle spears, definitely some fruit, and some baby carrots for munchies. We had some of the Mahi Mahi last night, but we're still working on getting the rest of the stuff out of the freezer so it hasn't been all fish and chicken on the grill yet. Dinner has still been very healthy - lots of salads, veggies, and a bit of chicken or fish.

I've taken to eating sunflower seeds when I get the muchies at night. Not that many, just something to do with my mouth other than fill it with junk.

Stepped on the scale again last night and while I'm still glad it's not alive, it didn't go quite as far around the dial as it did before.


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