Thursday, July 5, 2007


OK, it's not exactly a secret that I'm a bit of an insomniac - stress and such - and occasionally I'm going Mach 2+ to try to get to work on time. This means that my original lunch plans just went straight out the window since I didn't get it together the night before. So what to do???

Well, there's the Wheel of Death in the break room, but that's not the greatest thing in the world. The Wheel of Death is a tongue in cheek nickname for one of the vending machines given due to a couple of people who believe that their gastrointestinal troubles were caused by sandwiches from the machine. Whether or not this is the case, I don't know. Most of the food is pretty good if you ask me, but the sandwiches are a few days old and usually leave me wanting more. Also on the rotating menu are frozen burritos, hot pockets, etc., hard boiled eggs, bagels with packets of cream cheese, and a few drinks like frappiccinos and Red Bull.

There are also a couple of other standard vending machines, but I won't go there. The only decent thing in those are the 130 calorie packages of pretzles.

So with this in mind, what do I do? I go over to the industrial complex food court and straight to Subway! Yes, they really do have good food and it's not loaded with fat or calories. A 6" sandwich with a couple of slices of turkey, a couple of slices of cheese, lettuce, bell peppers, a few olive slices (probably about one olive all together), onions, a small amount of oil and vinegar and finally some salt and pepper is my favorite there. It's light, healthy, and full of flavor, and close to work! Their website even has all the info you could want about their menu and nutrition informaition. This is one case where I think the company's spokesperson is truly credible.

I'll be sure to post some other healthy (and slimming) options when I find them, too.

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